
Reminders alert you to important events and things to do. You can schedule one-time reminders and recurring reminders. Each reminder will trigger a call to you on the selected phone number and optionally have the assistant play a message then wait for your commands.

The reminder calls are made to one of your phone numbers (extension, home, mobile, business, etc.) defined in your account (under Settings > Phone Numbers). Reminder calls can serve a number of purposes:

  • They serve as reminders to do certain tasks.
  • They serve as call backs (incoming calls) to save on wireless or long distance charges.
  • They can be used as a way to get you out of an endless meeting.
  • They can be used for wake-up calls.

You can set and manage your reminders on the Web Portal, your Mobile App and by phone using touchtone or speech commands.

For information on how to set and manage reminders using voice commands or the mobile app, see Reminders Voice Commands and Manage Reminders on the Mobile App.

From the Reminders page on the Web Portal, you can:

  1. View reminders.
  2. Create a reminder.
  3. Activate or deactivate a reminder.
  4. Edit a reminder.
  5. Delete a reminder.
  6. Export reminder details to a CSV or PDF file.
  7. Sort the list of reminders.

Interface Overview

The Reminders page lists your existing reminders with the following information:




Check the box next to one or several items in order to apply certain actions (ex: export lists).


Descriptive name of the reminder. Click this link to open the Reminder Settings.


Indicates how often the reminder will be triggered (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.). Click this link to open the Reminder Settings.

Next Reminder

Date and time of the next reminder (in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS). Click this link to open the Reminder Settings.


Phone number where the reminder will be made. Click this link to open the Reminder Settings.


Checkbox to activate or deactivate a reminder.

View Reminders

To view reminders:

  • Click Reminders in the main menu.
  • Click any field in a reminder row to open its settings.

Create Reminders

  • From the main menu, click Reminders.
  • Click the New button.
  • Fill in the new reminder fields as required. See Reminder Settings for details.
  • Click Save.

Edit Reminders

To edit an existing reminder:

  • From the main menu, click Reminders.
  • From the reminders list, click the name of the reminder to edit.
  • Edit the reminder fields as required. See Reminder Settings for details.
  • Click Save to apply the changes.

Deactivate / Activate Reminders

To deactivate a reminder without deleting it:

  • From the main menu, click Reminders.
  • Uncheck the Active box in the reminder row to deactivate it.

To activate a reminder:

  • From the main menu, click Reminders.
  • Check the Active box in the reminder row to reactivate it.

Delete Reminders

You can delete a reminder when it is no longer needed. Alternatively, you can simply deactivate a reminder if you expect to use it in the future. See Deactivate / Activate Reminders for details.

To delete a reminder:

  • From the main menu, click Reminders.
  • From the reminders list, check the box next to name of the reminder to delete. You can check several boxes to delete multiple reminders at once.
  • Click the Delete button.
  • A popup window will ask you to confirm the deletion. Click OK to delete the reminder.

Reminder Settings

Reminder Name

Enter a descriptive name for the reminder.

Access to Assistant

Check this box if you want the Virtual Assistant to wait for your commands when you answer the reminder call.


The recurrence fields determine when and how often you will receive the reminder call.

  • None: Select this option if you want the reminder to trigger only once.
  • Weekdays: Select this option to have a reminder on weekdays (Monday to Friday) as configured in your call forwarding schedules. To change the weekdays, see Call Forwarding Schedules for details.
  • Weekends: Select this option to have a reminder on weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) as configured in your call forwarding schedules. To change the weekend days, see Call Forwarding Schedules for details.
  • Daily: Select this option if you want a reminder every day.
  • Weekly:This option will trigger the reminder once a week, on the day and time that you specify.
  • Monthly: This option will trigger the reminder once a month, on the date and time that you specify.
  • Yearly: This option will trigger the reminder once a year, on the date and time that you specify.

Notification Parameters

Use notification parameters options to specify when and where you want to notified. The list of notifications parameters will vary depending on the type of recurrence you have selected.

  • Set the date and time of the reminder.
  • Select the phone number where you want to be called. The list is populated from the phone numbers defined in your account (see Settings > Phone Numbers).

Message to Play

You can select to have a message played to you when you answer the reminder call. You can choose to have the Virtual Assistant read a text message using text-to-speech, play an audio message or play no message at all. You can select only one of these three options.

  • No message: Choose this option if you don't want to hear any specific message. This can be the case if you only want the Virtual Assistant to call you and wait for your commands.
  • Text: Select this option if you want the Virtual Assistant to read you a text message using text-to-speech technology. Type the text that you want the Virtual Assistant to read to you. The text must be in the language specified in your profile.
  • Voice:
    • Select the audio message: Select this option then choose the audio message to play from the list of previously recorded files. Click the  Play icon to hear the selected audio message.
    • Upload audio file: Select this option if you want this reminder to play a prerecorded audio file that exists on your computer. Choose the audio file to upload and assign to this reminder. Click the Play icon to hear the uploaded audio message.
    • Record by phone: Select this option if you want to record the audio message that will be played by this reminder. Select the phone number where you want to be called for the message recording. The list of phone numbers is populated from the phone numbers defined in your account (see Settings > Phone Numbers). Click Next to receive a call so you can record the message. After recording the message over the phone, click the Play icon to hear the recorded audio message.

Export Reminders

You can export the list of your reminders to a CSV or PDF file. The generated file will contain information on the name and recurrence of the reminder, the next reminder date, the phone number where you will be called and the reminder status (active/inactive).

Export Reminders to CSV File

To export reminders to a CSV file:

  • Click Reminders in the main menu.
  • Select the reminders to export:
    • One or several reminders: Check the box next to the name of the reminders to export.
    • All reminders: Check the box at the top of the table next to the Name header. All reminders will automatically be selected.
  • Click the CSV button to open the export window.
  • By default the file will be named Reminders.csv.
    • Change the file name if needed but keep the CSV extension. Example: rename Reminders.csv to myReminders.csv.
    • Make sure that you are saving the file to the desired directory.
  • Click Save.

Export Reminders to a PDF File

To export reminders to a PDF document:

  • Click Reminders in the main menu.
  • Select the reminders to export:
    • One or several reminders: Check the box next to the name of the reminders to export.
    • All reminders: Check the box at the top of the table next to the Name header. All reminders will automatically be selected.
  • Click the PDF button. 
  • Save the file to the location of your choice on your PC.

Sort Reminders

The reminders are displayed by date in chronological order with the most recent reminders at the top of the list.

You can sort the reminders alphabetically or numerically (based on the type of information in the columns) by clicking on any of the column headings in the Reminders page.