Company Administrator Help

This WebHelp is for Company Administrators. It provides help on how to configure and manage the Excendia service for company accounts on Web Portal. This WebHelp index can be accessed by clicking on Help at the top of your Web Portal pages. Look for the Help button in each section of Web Portal to get context-specific help depending on where you are.

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We are constantly striving to make this service even better. Please let us know what you like and don't like about this service including its web and speech interfaces, this WebHelp and the speech help. Click on the Support at the top of your pages on Web Portal.

Getting Started as the Company Administrator


Company Administrator Login

Company Account Setup

Company Account Overview

Company Profile

Company Users

Company Call restrictions

Company Subscription Keys

Company Service Packages

Company Services

Company Virtual Receptionist Service

Using Company Contacts

Company Call Logs

Company DIDs